Hello from Northern Ireland!


All of the YAVS in the Belfast Airport.

Most of our group in the Belfast Airport

It has been about a month since I first arrived in Belfast. Because of our busy schedules, time passes very quickly here. To give you an idea of what life is like for me in Belfast, here is a break-down of a typical week.

Monday:  YAV meeting with Doug (our site coordinator) and the other volunteers in downtown Belfast.  This usually involves breakfast and lunch and some type of group activity.  Activities can be anything from structured reflection time to a group outing.


Tuesday:   On Tuesdays I work at The Link Family and Community Centre.  The Link is a youth drop-in started by Regent Street Presbyterian Church in Netownards, Northern Ireland.  The main purpose of The Link is to be an intentional Christian presence in the community.  One of the ways The Link fulfills that purpose is by  providing a healthy environment where children and youth can have fun and be kids.  Children  and youth here have especially been affected by the long years of fighting between Protestants and Catholics (or the “Troubles” as people here refer to them).  Although there is an agreement to “peace”, many paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland are still recruiting, and youth are usually targets.  If you’d like to learn more about the The Link, go here: http://www.thelinkcentre.org. 


The Link

The Link




Wednesday:  On Wednesdays I work at Regent Street Presbyterian Church. There I am involved with the youth and children’s ministries.  As mentioned above, Regent Street is the church that started The Link.  


Regent Street Presbyterian Church

Regent Street Presbyterian Church


Thursday and Friday:  On both these days I’m back at The Link.  Below are some more pictures.  **If it seems like there aren’t many kids in the pictures, it’s because only a few of them have parental consent to have their picture taken.  We usually have from 18-25 kids at a time during drop-ins.  


Ryan and Gordy, my two co-workers

Ryan and Gordy, my two co-workers

The Pool Room and Coffee Bar Area

The Pool Room and Coffee Bar Area


Stuart, playing pool

Stuart, playing pool


Stuart and Graham playing Guitar Hero

Stuart and Graham playing Guitar Hero


Saturday: Saturday is a free day! The past few Saturdays have been spent exploring St. George’s Market in downtown Belfast with the other YAVs.  


Sunday:  Sunday morning activities vary according to the Sunday.  Some days I assist with children’s Sunday School (which takes place during worship, unlike back in the States) and other days I attend morning worship with everyone else.  After church, I am usually taken back to a church member’s house for Sunday lunch. (which is delicious, but usually involves 2-3 different types of potato dishes… all in one meal. 🙂 ) People have been so friendly and hospitable; they really try to make you feel at home!

Sunday afternoon is free and in the evenings, I help lead Youth Group from 7-9PM.


Symbol of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland

Symbol of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland




"The Cabin" where the youth meet

"The Cabin" where the youth meet

I hope this has given everyone some idea of what I’ve been doing for the past month or so!  I am going to try and keep posting here at least once a month, maybe more. (We’ll see…  🙂 ).   Many thanks to everyone who has supported me, whether financially, spiritually, or emotionally, etc.  This year wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for you!

7 thoughts on “Hello from Northern Ireland!

  1. Hi, Amy! I found your blog on my own- it’s really neat and explains a lot of what you do as well as give some good visuals. Wow! You REALLY are quite involved and offering a lot. Am looking forward to keeping up with your blog.

    Grace and peace-

    sue johnson

  2. Amy,
    I am very proud of what you & all of the YAV’s are doing. I am Lynnea’s father and have seen her pictures. I know that God has led you to this position and you are making a difference.
    Hal Hunter

  3. Amy –
    You are in our thoughts and prayers in your work, so far from home. Please remember that through difficult times and situations, you are carried by the love of Christ through all of us who call ourselves The Church!

  4. Amy,
    Been checking for your name to appear as a volunteer on the Presbyterian Mission website. Glad it’s finally there and that you are already in the mission field. We’re proud of you and are thankful that you were called there. Please give your mom and dad greetings from us when you speak to them. We just attended Seffner Presby’s 75th anniversary celebration yesterday and enjoyed seeing all of our old friends.

    God bless you!
    Rita and Jim Bay

  5. Hello, Amy,
    I was glad to find your blog and to see the pictures. Get someone to take your snap, please! I imagine you are finding the weather and the short days a bit of an adjustment. But it makes the welcoming homes even more appealing. Have you learned to love cups of tea?
    We thought of you and your sister and parents at the recent 75th celebration of Seffner Pres.
    Take care.

  6. Hi Amy,

    You certainly do have a busy schedule. It’s good that you have weekly group support and opportunities for fun and relaxation. I do hope you have trips up to the Ballycastle center on the wild and wonderful Antrim coast. Judging from the Corrymeela web site, the community is as vital as ever. Your mother is doing great at the church in Lowell; her sermons are solid.

    Love and peace,
    John & Helen Niles

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